Integrated Management System Policy
ASYAPORT LIMAN A.Ş. is using the assets in the most efficient manner to provide continuous service and developing as a logistics centre in the region. Asyaport is Turkey's world opened green gate and the largest container port in the region, providing employment. In this context we undertake;
»To be innovative, competitive and leader in the sector with its service quality by understanding customer requests and needs in line with the changing and developing technology,
»Declaring that the Integrated Management System will be continuously improved with awareness, participation, target unity and effective controls; to be an organization that meets the needs and expectations of customers and all relevant parties and fulfills applicable requirements; Providing resources for the effective implementation of Integrated Management Systems,
»To carry out our activities in accordance with national and international laws, regulations and relevant legislation in all our areas of responsibility, to work in accordance with the general practices of the sector and international general practice in cases where these are insufficient or not,
»To create long-term business partnerships and ensure customer satisfaction by complying with standards and legal regulations, without compromising service quality and speed,
»To comply with applicable legal and other conditions that it is obliged to comply with in terms of energy use, consumption and efficiency,
»Considering the best practices in the sector and in the world, to establish measurable targets related to quality, environment, occupational health and safety, energy management systems and to regularly review their realization in order to continuously improve our performance and management systems in this field,
»To guarantee the availability of all necessary information and resources to achieve goals and objectives,
»To apply the awareness of continuous improvement within innovative approach and to ensure the continuity of these practices with our employees, customers and suppliers.
»To continuously improve the Quality, OHS, Environment and Energy Management System in order to increase the IMS Performance,
»To continuously improve all processes by reducing Occupational Health and Safety risks to an acceptable risk level,
»We have an appropriate environmental management program that guides to increase our environmental performance, focuses on preventing pollution and shows the necessary respect for the protection of nature,
»To protect the environment, to prevent pollution at its source by considering the environmental aspect of all our activities,
»To take measures to reduce our waste, to use raw materials, energy and natural resources efficiently,
»To work with high level of preparedness in order to prevent environmental accidents that may occur in the workplace and to reduce the effects of any accident or incident that may occur,
»To create a healthy and safe working environment by considering OHS hazards and managing risks in order to eliminate dangers,
»Taking the opinions of the employee representative and / or employees in Occupational Health and Safety Activities and ensuring their participation,
»To provide information, human resources, technology and financial resources that will ensure the continuity of the Occupational Health and Safety System,
»In order to ensure the sustainability of natural resources, to use alternative energy and raw material resources in all our activities, to allocate resources to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and to increase energy efficiency and savings
»To continue our activities by preserving natural resources in order to leave an environment that will not make future generations forget the nature and live with health, by choosing equipment, systems and services that are suitable for the system in new projects and designs.
»To protect and maintain the life cycle understanding by reducing the negative environmental impacts of our activities from the design stage to the end of the life cycle,
»To ensure the purchase of environmentally friendly and energy efficient products and services to improve energy performance, and to support designs for improving energy performance
»Keeping carbon emissions at the lowest possible level,
»Publishing annual reports, paying special attention to good cooperation with all stakeholders in order to advance port development in an environment of good relations,
»Updating the Integrated Management System Policy periodically according to the inspection results of Quality, Occupational Health and Safety, Environment and Energy Management Systems and future changing conditions,
»We undertake to announce this committed and implemented policy to all of our employees and to make it accessible to the public and third parties.